Our Program

Parents & Carers

Bridging the gap between young people and adults to spark meaningful conversations at home.

We tailor our programs to your school's needs

Offered as a 1.5 hour seminar

Available in person & online, or a hybrid

Only 46%

of Australian parents feel comfortable dealing with online risks their children face. Many parents feel that talking to their children about topics of online safety, dating, sex and consent are difficult.

What we cover.

Overview of key takeaways from our modules

We recognise that most parents & carers did not receive consent and respectful relationships education themselves.
Before you answer your children's questions - let us answer yours.

We cover: 
Consent Foundations
Consent in the World of Technology
Consent with Alcohol & Other Drugs
Recognising & Responding to Sexual Harassment and Assault
(If parent program delivered alongside student program, we
cover the same modules your children will receive)

Our Approach

We explain the best-practice and evidence-based research that underpins our programs.

We explore our approach to age-appropriate consent and respectful relationships education.

It's important to us to work with the school community to support your children.

Our approach leads to effective results, and engaging sessions with students.

Practical Strategies for you

How can I keep my children safe, even if I have different views about sex and relationships? 

How can I start a meaningful conversation with my children without it being awkward?

What are some strategies I can use when discussing these awkward/taboo topics with my children? 

Healthy Relationships require open communication...
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