Our Program


Empowering key staff to support students around issues of consent and respectful relationships.

Appropriate for PDHPE/HPE & Wellbeing teachers

Workshop style, discussion-led sessions
(Guide: 35 teachers)

Full program: 4 hours

Modules we offer.

The importance of inclusive language

Ensure educators feel comfortable using gender-inclusive and non-judgemental language, particularly when engaging students in respectful relationships education.

Demonstrate how language can perpetuate gender stereotypes, and why inclusive language is important.

Explore the spectrums of sex, gender and sexuality.

Recognising and Responding to Sexual Harassment and Assault

Understand the behaviours that constitute sexual harassment and assault, and understand the laws around when someone can not give consent.

Discuss how we can encourage young people to be active bystanders and challenge these normalised behaviours.

Understand the various reporting and support options available if harassment and/or assault occur.

Unpack victim blaming.

How can an educator respond to a young people in the event of disclosure?

Consent and boundaries

Introduction to consent and consent language.

Explore boundaries in different relationships (platonic and sexual relationships), and suggested frameworks to discussing and asserting boundaries.

Consent in the Digital World

Discuss the risks involved in social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat and Discord.

Understand the laws around sexting and image-based abuse, and avenues for support and reporting if this does occur.

How can we educate young people to critically analyse the messaging they receive around consent from mainstream media, and from pornography?

Consent with Alcohol & Other Drugs

Understand the laws around consent with alcohol and other drugs.

Discuss the influence of peer pressure and how we can encourage young people to challenge it.

Consider drink spiking and the actions students can take.

Healthy Relationships require open communication...
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